HE Dr. Manoj Nardeasingh, Secretary General, African-Asian Rural Development Organization.(AARDO) felicitated by Dr. Jayanta Choudhury, Founder, GFSRD

Dr. Manoshi Das, Co-Founder, GFSRD was felicitated at Asia for Earth Conference held at Indonesia.

GFSRD signed MoU with Dwijendra University, Bali, Indonesia. Dr. Gede, Rector, Dwijendra University and Dr. Jayanta Choudhury, Founder, GFSRD inked the MoU for academic collaboration.

Dr. Gede, Rector, Dwijendra University and Dr. Jayanta Choudhury, Founder, GFSRD inked the MoU for academic collaboration.

GFSRD signed MoU with National Institute of Technology, Malang, Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Abraham Lomi, Rektor, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITN), Malang and Dr. Jayanta Choudhury, Founder, GFSRD inked the MoU for academic collaboration.

International Exposure Visit at Desa Pujonkidul, Malang, Indonesia

GFSRD’s SDG Adda (Informal Discussion) at Dhaka with representatives from Civil Societies of Bangladesh

GFSRD conference at malaysia in Collaboration with E-palli, USA.