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Maria Christina Endarwati, Indonesia

Co-Founder & Head, GFSRD-Asia

Maria Christina Endarwati is one of the professional planners in Indonesia, starting her career in the world of urban and regional planning since 1998 to form a sharp analysis in the field of urban and regional planning. Studying at the National Institute of Technology Malang under the direction of experienced lecturers in the world of planners made her a reliable planner, so in 2000 she decided to take a master’s degree to deepen her knowledge of regional and urban planning at RMIT Australia. After returning to study from Australia, he immediately devoted himself to his beloved campus, Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang. Over time with the achievements made Maria Christina Endarwati was appointed as a Civil Servant by the Batu City government to become the personal secretary of the mayor of Batu. Feeling that it was enough to devote herself to Batu City in the following year decided to resign and refocus on the world of spatial planning in Indonesia and became a permanent lecturer at the National Institute of Technology Malang. Over time with a myriad of experiences as a planner practitioner lecturer in Indonesia led him to become one of the assessors for the Indonesian Planner Expert Association. In addition, he is a member of the Indonesian Planner School Association and is often a speaker at events organized by GFRSD (Global Forum For Sustainability Rural Development). Returning to the world of education, she continued her doctoral program at the faculty of environmental science at Brawaijaya University with a focus on the world of hatred and received her doctorate in 2022 cum laude. And most recently Maria Christina joined the National Capital City development project.